GAP insurance - Guaranteed asset protection

Your new ŠKODA should carry you in safety and comfort for many years to come.
But, if your car is stolen and not recovered, or written off in an accident, your insurance company may pay out less than the value of the car, or less than what you owe in outstanding finance.
That's where GAP insurance comes in. By making up the difference, we make sure you won't have to settle for anything less than the ŠKODA, which you deserve to drive.
We can:
    • Bridge the gap between your insurance pay-out and the invoice price.

    • Bridge the gap between your insurance pay-out and the outstanding finance.

    • Cover both your outstanding finance, and bridge the gap between your insurance pay-out and the invoice price.

  • Pay the charges incurred by terminating your lease.
Terms and conditions apply.
Speak with your local ŠKODA retailer to arrange GAP insurance that's right for you.
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